Global Financial Services Firm
We have been advising the regional CEO of a global financial services firm on corporate citizenship, thought leadership, strategies of influence and professional leadership.
A UK magic circle law firm and a major transatlantic global law firm
CogitoPraxis has acted as advisor to a UK Magic Circle law firm and a major transatlantic global law firm on the professional leadership of their emerging talents.
Private Equity Firm
We have advised a highly regarded private equity firm on the professional leadership and influence of a select group of its mid-career emerging talents.
Mid-Sized Industrial Firm
We advised the CEO and founder of a mid-sized industrial firm on the corporate citizenship of the company and the professional leadership of the executive himself.
Humanitarian Organisation
CogitoPraxis has advised a renowned worldwide humanitarian organisation on the coordination of its influence and outreach towards the disparate audiences it serves.
Senior Executives
We undertake private briefings for the senior executives of our own client firms and, on a selective basis, for clients of partner firms of ours.